Subclass 888: Business Innovation & Investment (Provisional) Visas

On 1 Jul 2024, the subclass 188 business and investment visas were closed to new applications. However, for existing subclass 188 business visa holders, they are still eligible to apply for the second stage of visas subclass 888 to gain permanent residence status.

If you have a question or would like help lodging your subclass 888, contact us for a free consultation on your eligibility to lodge.

The Business and investment Program (BIIP) Subclass 888 consists of 4 different streams:

  • For current business owners/entrepreneurs holding a subclass 188 Business Innovation stream visa with a successful business already running in Australia. Read more…

  • For current subclass 188 Investor stream visa holders who have made a complying investment of AUD$5 million in an Australian state or territory. Read more…

  • For current subclass 188 Significant Investor stream visa holders who have made a complying investment of AUD$5 million. Read more…

  • For entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and financial ability to start a business approved by both state and service providers. Read more…

Why Australia?

Because it is one of the safest and resilient economies in the world backed by a stable and well-regulated financial and banking system. Find out how you can diversify your business or investment portfolio in Australia with many great business opportunities ranging from Agriculture, Education, Financial Technology, IT, Food Productions, Transport, Tourism, Mining and Energy, Building & Construction.
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Australia has great prospects for business growth, powered by:

▶ Natural resources and abundant land;
▶ Skilled & well-educated workforce;
▶ Strategic global trade partners and strong
ties with many nations;
▶ Strategic geographical location with access
to Asia- Pacific
markets and time zones;
▶ Strong focus on innovation and technology

All subclass 188 visas are provisional visas: temporary visas which leads to an entitled pathway to permanent residence under the subclass 888 visa.

  • Stay in Australia up to 5 years

  • Enjoy unlimited travel to and from Australia;

  • Carry out your business and investment activities in Australia;

  • Bring eligible members of your family with you to stay here;

  • Apply for a permanent residence visa (subclass 888) after 3 years, upon meeting your 188 visa conditions.